Fancy Dandiya Bag Original price was: ₹ 115.00.Current price is: ₹ 79.00.
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Puberty function set


Puberty Function Doll set.

product code :ATH200

Descirption : Puberty function doll set. Made with Hand made dolls with wooden base for stability. Comes with backdrop,mini seer plate sets and mini chair. Doll size : 15 cms. Plate size : 12 Inches x 12 Inches..Comes delivered as individual pieces (Backdrop,Dolls,Plates,Chair)..

Girl’s voni/Halfsaree can be customised to suit the function.

Despatch in 7-8 days.

To know more, pls whatsapp us at 91-8825740704

Weight 6 kg
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Welcoming a girl into womenhood is a very warm event in South India. This set absolutely captures the moment of the event.

Puberty function set,

Welcoming a girl into womanhood is a very warm event in South India. A Half saree function is conducted and exclusive puberty return gifts are given to guests.

This doll absolutely captures the moment of the event.

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